J. Krishnamurti Quotes

J. Krishnamurti insights cut through societal conventions and encouraged deep self-inquiry, urging individuals to transcend conditioned thinking and seek their own understanding.

Krishnamurti’s wisdom spans various aspects of human existence, from the nature of truth and the essence of love to the transformative power of education. His quotes invite readers to question, reflect, and discover the beauty of life beyond the confines of tradition, authority, and fear. Here, we present a collection of his thought-provoking reflections, offering guidance for those seeking clarity and freedom in an often chaotic world.

J. Krishnamurti Quotes on Life

  1. “Life is an extraordinary thing. It is not to be measured in terms of success or failure.”
  2. “To live is to be vulnerable, open to everything, including the unknown.”
  3. “The significance of life is living.”
  4. “Living is the present, not the past or the future.”
  5. “Life has no answers. It only has movement.”
  6. “Do you understand what it means to live with beauty? It is not merely to have a beautiful face or a beautiful house. It is to see the beauty of life itself.”
  7. “Fear is not part of life; it is created by the mind.”
  8. “To live without comparison is to truly live.”
  9. “Living is not about control; it is about understanding.”
  10. “A life without love, without beauty, without truth, is no life at all.”

J. Krishnamurti Quotes on Education

  1. “The purpose of education is to bring about an integrated individual who is capable of dealing with life as a whole.”
  2. “Education is not the mere acquisition of knowledge but the cultivation of intelligence and sensitivity.”
  3. “True education is to learn how to think, not what to think.”
  4. “If we do not question, we will lead mechanical lives.”
  5. “The function of education is to help you from childhood not to imitate anybody but to be yourself all the time.”
  6. “The right kind of education is to help the child grow with love, intelligence, and freedom.”
  7. “A school is a place where one learns about the totality of life.”
  8. “Discipline in education is meaningless unless it is rooted in understanding.”
  9. “In educating the mind, we must not forget to educate the heart.”
  10. “Education must help the individual to discover their uniqueness, and from there, to live freely.”

J. Krishnamurti Quotes on Love


  1. “Love is not possession. Love is not attachment. Love is not the pursuit of pleasure.”
  2. “Where there is love, there is no fear.”
  3. “Love is a state of being in which there is no division.”
  4. “Love has no opposite; it is not hate, nor is it jealousy or envy.”
  5. “To love is to be aware of the beauty around you and within you.”
  6. “When the mind is silent, love blossoms.”
  7. “Love is not about holding on; it is about letting go.”
  8. “The understanding of love requires a free mind, not one conditioned by thought.”
  9. “Love is not duty, responsibility, or sacrifice. Love knows no conflict.”
  10. “Love cannot be cultivated; it arises when the self is absent.”

J. Krishnamurti Quotes on Truth

  1. “Truth is not to be found in books or philosophies. It is to be discovered in the movement of life.”
  2. “Truth cannot be organized; it has no path, no system.”
  3. “To see the false as false and the true as true, that is the beginning of truth.”
  4. “Truth is timeless; it does not belong to yesterday or tomorrow.”
  5. “You cannot invite truth. You must be free from all your prejudices to see it.”
  6. “Truth is not something to be discovered; it is to be understood moment by moment.”
  7. “Only when the mind is silent, free from all thought, can truth emerge.”
  8. “To understand truth, there must be freedom from all authority, including one’s own opinions.”
  9. “Truth has no opposite; it is not something to be compared or contrasted.”
  10. “Truth is dangerous because it destroys everything you hold dear.”

Jiddu Krishnamurti Quotes on Meditation

  1. “Meditation is the emptying of the mind of all thought.”
  2. “Meditation is not a means to an end; it is both the means and the end.”
  3. “The flowering of meditation is goodness.”
  4. “True meditation is not a practice; it is a state of awareness in every moment.”
  5. “Meditation is not control but the freedom to observe.”
  6. “Silence of the mind is the essence of meditation.”
  7. “Meditation is the discovery of order within chaos.”
  8. “When there is no observer, only then is there meditation.”
  9. “Meditation is the understanding of the movement of thought, not its suppression.”
  10. “In meditation, there is no thinker, only the act of observing.”

J. Krishnamurti Quotes on Death

  1. “To die to everything of yesterday is to live freshly, innocently, and freely.”
  2. “Death is not the end; it is the beginning of something timeless.”
  3. “The understanding of death brings the freedom to live.”
  4. “Death is the ending of attachment, the ending of the known.”
  5. “When you are not afraid of death, life takes on an entirely different meaning.”
  6. “Living is dying—dying to every moment so that the new can be.”
  7. “To meet death is to meet life fully.”
  8. “Death is only terrifying when we cling to life as we know it.”
  9. “The ending of thought is the beginning of death and life simultaneously.”
  10. “To understand death, you must live with it daily.”

J. Krishnamurti Quotes on Life

  1. “Life is movement, endless and unmeasured.”
  2. “To live is to be in constant relationship with the world, oneself, and others.”
  3. “The beauty of life lies in living fully, without fear or regret.”
  4. “Life is not a series of isolated events; it is a seamless whole.”
  5. “To live without conflict is the true art of life.”
  6. “Living means understanding the totality of existence, not merely fragments.”
  7. “Life has no meaning except the meaning you give to it through understanding.”
  8. “To see life clearly is to live without illusions.”
  9. “Life is sacred when it is free of the self.”
  10. “The simplicity of life is revealed when the mind is no longer burdened by thought.”

J. Krishnamurti Quotes on Society

  1. “Society is the extension of ourselves; its disorder is our own.”
  2. “To change society, you must first understand and transform yourself.”
  3. “A society built on ambition and greed cannot sustain peace.”
  4. “The structure of society is the result of the structure of our minds.”
  5. “Freedom in society begins with freedom within.”
  6. “Conformity to society’s expectations breeds mediocrity.”
  7. “A society that values success over understanding is doomed to conflict.”
  8. “Revolt against society is meaningless without inner revolution.”
  9. “Society thrives on division, but intelligence sees unity.”
  10. “A new society arises when individuals are free from fear and conditioning.”

Jiddu Krishnamurti Quotes on Religion

  1. “Religion is not belief; it is the discovery of what is sacred.”
  2. “True religion is the absence of division between the seeker and the sought.”
  3. “Organized religion separates man from the truth.”
  4. “Religion begins where thought ends.”
  5. “To find God, one must go beyond the boundaries of religion.”
  6. “The essence of religion is freedom, not conformity.”
  7. “Religious belief without inquiry is mere superstition.”
  8. “Religion is not rituals or dogma but the search for the eternal.”
  9. “In silence, one touches the infinite, which is true religion.”
  10. “The religious mind is free, curious, and unafraid.”

Other Jiddu Krishnamurti Quotes 

  1. “Truth is a pathless land.”
  2. “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
  3. “Freedom is not given to you by someone; you have to cultivate it yourself.”
  4. “The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.”
  5. “A mind that is full of conclusions is a dead mind.”
  6. “You are the world, and the world is you.”
  7. “The moment you follow someone, you cease to follow truth.”
  8. “What you are, the world is. And without your transformation, there can be no transformation of the world.”
  9. “Happiness is strange; it comes when you are not seeking it.”
  10. “Meditation is not a means to an end. It is both the means and the end.”