The Direct Path To Spiritual Awakening

The Direct Path
Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Images

The awakened eyes sees beauty everywhere. This a small collection of some moments I captured, along with the thoughts which spontaneously emerged while capturing them. 

Blooming and wilting follow endless…..Read more

The deep mountains echo…..Read more


While walking I saw this…..Read more

Blue dissolves into blue…..Read more

One Response

  1. Hello Brother, very glad to meet you virtually . Just moved to Melbourne Fl. Looking for other souls on this journey. Have been God realized since I was 10 years of age . Had no instruction as a child, making my way through life was difficult in a western mind world. Later found SRF and Yogananda . This led to Harihariananda and the lineage . I have many stories to tell that might help others. I am not computer savvy though. Like your website very much. The love and humbleness comes through very well. Blessings on high.

    Brother David Reyes

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