I am happy to share the restored & cleaned audio talks & MP3 of Nisargadatta Maharaj with everyone. I would like to thank Ms. Vanaja for recording these talks. She carried her tape recorder and dutifully recorded Nisargadatta Maharaj’s talks every day. She has recorded over 300 cassette tapes.
I was introduced to her in 2005 by my friend Aj (not his real name, he wants to be anonymous), who has great love and respect for Maharaj. Aj and Ms.Vanaja had been trying to digitize and restore Maharaj’s old tapes for some months. Aj visited a few audio studios in Mumbai, however none of them wanted to undertake the tedious task or their asking price was very high.
When Aj mentioned the tapes to me I at once got involved in the process of restoring the tapes. Since I am a sound engineer and specialize in audio restoration and digitization, I had the technical expertise to make sure the restoration was carried out in a professional manner.
Ms Vanaja (who has always been the financier for M’s work) helped us procure all necessary equipment’s and I set up the system wherein she could digitize the audio. Once digitized, the audio was sent to me for restoring and cleaning. But there was only so much Vanaja Aunty could do on her own to digitize the tapes.
That is when Mr Ashank Desai, who was very passionate about Nisargadatta Maharaj, stepped in. In 2012, he generously donated the amount of money needed for hiring a professional studio to get all the 300 tapes digitized. With the money on board, I got in touch with an amazing sound engineer, whose work ethics I trusted. It was a slow process, as many of the tapes had issues. We finally got all the tapes digitized by the end of 2014. I Thank Mr Ashank Desai for all his kind help and donations.
But the work of cleaning and digitally remastering the tapes still remains. I have restored a few of his talks, and even though I would love to clean all this talks, I had a bad ear infection in 2016 and sadly had to quit working as a sound engineer.
The tapes are free for listening and sharing. Please do not sell them or use them for commercial purposes. All those involved in the digitization and restoring are doing it out of love without any monetary benefit. I am sure you will respect Maharaj’s work and help spread it across the globe.
Read more about my experiences with Nisargadatta Maharaj
I will be uploading the next talks soon, so be sure to check this page again. You can also subscribe below to get a notification when I put up the new audio talks.
Talk 1 (18 minutes) 2nd nov 1979
With English Translation
Talk 2 (32 minutes) 2nd nov 1979
With English Translation
Talk 3 (36 minutes) 22nd Aug 1979
With English Translation
Listen To Mai’s Interview, Nisargadatta Maharaj’s Nurse and attendant
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17 Responses
Where are the tapes? I see only one on the link
Thanks for the great work Rajiv!
Thanks for sharing. Great work Rajiv. Listening to Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj talks is just amazing feeling. Listening to it over and over again. Thanks once again.
Keep it up, would love to listen to all the audio’s.
Maharaj’s teaching (Advianta Vedanta) are the same Sufism’s union of existence. I always read a paragragh ‘I Am That’ every day. Thanks,
Yours truly
Thank you for your commitment and dedication to the teachings of Nisargadatta. Namaste
Thank you. Truly a blessing to hear this conversation.
Jai Guru 🕉️🙏
” Amazing…!! Great work, Rajiv. This is the clearest and the best quality audio I have heard of Maharaj.
I would love to listen to all audio….and help in anyway I can.
Keep it up…. Looking forward to next clips…
Thank you very much. Looking forward to more talks of Maharaj. He finds His way to reach to His devotees. Jai Guru.
Rajiv, certainly commendable work, it’s a labor of love. However, be aware that the ways of the world being what they are, someone will be tempted to take these and sell CDs for profit, so do consider copyrighting these files for the benefit for all.
awesome! thanks for tape #1 & #2!
Great priceless job.
” Sir
Where are Audio cds available on payment for personal use?
Thanks!! Please upload more !
You have done great service for my Guru Nisragadatta maharaj. I have been following him for many years now. I read your spiritual journey, and you are blessed! I can see the glimpses of Maharaj’s words in your writing. You have truly awakened to your true nature. I bow down to the consciousness in you.
Thank you very much for such committed perseverance in helping other seekers!
Thank you very very much for posting these audio talks.
If any one need Sri Maharaj Audio tapes for free distribution please contact me also on my email : kiranswa@gmail.com or +91-9890711180